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Senior Outreach

- Coffee Club

- Knitting Club

- Cards Night 

- Fish and Chips Night

- Senior Phone Check-ins

- Food Support 

- Home Visits

- Networking


Immigration & Citizenship

- Citizenship

- Passport Assistance

- Prison Legal Support

- Exam Prep

- Green Card Prep

- Legal Referrals

- Notary Public Service

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Pastoral Support

- Prison Ministry

- Sacraments

- Home Visits

- Direct Aid


Family Programs

- Mother and Toddler Group

- Family-orientated events

- Networking

- Fundraising

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Health & Wellness

- Community Nurse

- Sobriety Program

- Bereavement Counselling

- In-house Social Worker

- Health Clinics and Events

- Direct Aid

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Community Outreach

- IPC Programs and Social Events

- Housing Support

- Community Resources

- Fundraising

- Networking

Image by Roman Kraft

Community News & Information Services

- Monthly 28 page Newsletter

- Advertising

- bi-weekly email blasts

- Social Media Posts


The Irish Pastoral Centre was founded in 1987 in response to a large increase in the number of Irish immigrants to the Greater Boston area. The IPC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is funded in part by the Irish government in addition to donations from the Irish and Irish American Community.


+1 617-265-5300


540 Gallivan Boulevard,
Unit Rear,
Dorchester, MA 02124

© 2024 by Irish Pastoral Centre Boston. All rights reserved.

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